How to Enjoy Life? 25 Simple Ways 2023

April 20, 2023
How to Enjoy Life

Want to know how to enjoy life more? Some people believe that to enjoy life, they need to do things like:

  • Earn more money
  • Have the perfect relationship or friends
  • Become well-respected or famous

Many people, however, have all of these things and more and are still unhappy. How then do we proceed? We do our best to enjoy it.

Here is a collection of our favorite tips on how to enjoy life more, from now on.

How to Enjoy Life?

Here are some easy tips to help you enjoy life.

1. Focus on Yourself

There will always be other people available to share their insights and counsel. However, in the end, you will be the one who has to deal with the effects of your choices.

Go off the grid for a few days if you’re feeling overrun by suggestions and opinions from strangers. To determine what your next move should be, log off of social media, silence your phone, and access your own thoughts and feelings.

2. Make Time to Relax

How to Enjoy Life

We become more capable of coping with more difficult times in life when we take the time to unwind and reconnect with who we are. Instead of only finding time to relax when you’re extra stressed, in order to enjoy life, you need to be making time for rest on a daily basis[1].

You can unwind by engaging in a favorite hobby, taking a quick nap, taking a stroll, or even planning a quick weekend getaway. Find a stress-reduction strategy that works for you and implement it.

3. Avoid the News

Public drama can be ensnared all too easily, both online and offline. Trust that you’ll be informed if something significant occurs. Otherwise, conserve your strength and divert your attention from doomscrolling to something more worthwhile.

4. Nurture Your Positive Relationships

Spend some time fostering your strong bonds with your loved ones. Focus your energy on the people who make you feel good.

It has been demonstrated that fostering healthy relationships throughout life improves wellbeing in general. One study even found that “found that people who have good social relationships are half less likely to die early than are more isolated people”[2]

5. Meet New People

One of the most essential needs we have is community. We can meet that need by making a consistent effort to interact with new people, which also exposes us to fresh viewpoints and ideas.

Increasing your network of friends and family will give you more resources to get through difficult times and enjoy life.

6. Explore New Places

Our lives are infused with a healthy dose of inspiration and possibility when we visit new places and cultures because they provide a fresh perspective on the world. However, you can explore without having a sizable bank account. Take a stroll through a different area of the city, see a documentary, or go camping in a nearby national park. A fantastic experience can be had without traveling very far.

7. Keep a Wish List

You should keep a collection of things you’ve always wanted to try or places you’ve wanted to go. It keeps the dream alive and prevents it from fading away as a lost idea.

8. Try New Things

Make a yearly commitment to attempting a certain number of items on your wish list to ensure that they don’t remain just that—wishes. Instead of letting time pass you by while you sit back and watch, this will keep you involved in the world around you.

9. Spend Money on Experiences, Not Possessions

Experiences, not things, are what shape memories and give them purpose. Why not spend that money on a weekend getaway with your spouse instead of that diamond necklace you’ve had your eye on? Experiences, not things, are what really allow you to enjoy life unlike anyone else. Experiences are what help you create memories.

10. Cut Down Your Junk

Mental chaos is mirrored in physical chaos. We can also become calmer mentally by having less stuff around us. You can improve your focus, productivity, and good feelings by cleaning up around the house.

11. Make Time for Gratitude

You can increase your awareness of the positive aspects of your life by making it a habit to write down three things each day. It can also be beneficial to start a gratitude journal. By focusing on gratitude, we place ourselves in the moment and are able to see just how much good we’ve got going for us[3].

12. Track How You’re Spending Your Time

Track how you spend your time over the course of a typical week because it’s simple to wonder where the day went when it’s over. We can take full advantage of the time we have left on this planet when we are aware of how we are spending our time.

13. Be Deliberate in Your Choices

Despite the fact that we now have more opportunities than ever to design the kind of life we truly love, many of us continue to lead robotic lives. Be deliberate in your life choices: remember that it’s your life and no-one else’s.

14. Invest in Yourself

Happier people tend to be more self-aware and accepting of themselves. Spend time journaling, reading self-help books, and emphasizing self-compassion.

15. Remember That All Feelings Pass

Accepting the fact that we won’t always feel happy is a crucial component of living a fulfilling life. Remember that life is one big cycle of ups and downs during the more difficult times, and keep in mind that all emotions pass.

16. See Fear as a Challenge

We can’t always feel confident, safe, or content because of fear. Fear shouldn’t go away entirely (that would be impossible), but it should definitely take a backseat more frequently if you want to enjoy life more.

Life is far too short to be afraid of trying new things, outfits, words, or experiences. Tell your fear to let you go as long as you’re safe and pursue your passions more.

17. Celebrate Small Wins

It’s simple to move quickly from one achievement to the next in a culture that values goals above all else. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and put more emphasis on the journey than the final destination.

18 Allow Yourself to Feel Happy

Many of us find it challenging to enjoy a calm, “normal” life. Allowing yourself to live without drama will allow you to concentrate on enjoying the little things in life.

19. Practice Mindfulness

To get out of our heads, let go of our worries, and reconnect with the experience of what it’s really like to be alive, which is essential when we want to enjoy life as much as possible, it’s important to pay attention to how we feel and what’s going on around us right now.

20. Speak Your Mind

We are not being true to ourselves when we suppress our ideas, beliefs, and desires for fear of upsetting other people. In the long run, you’ll enjoy life more if you speak up and experience some short-term discomfort.

21. Record Happy Moments

Whatever you need to do to capture happy memories and moments in writing, drawing, or photography, do it. In this manner, you’ll have something to reflect on in order to uplift your spirits and help you enjoy life when you’re feeling down.

22. Get Active

Endorphins, which are naturally occurring painkillers and stress-reducers, are released during exercise. Even if you’re pressed for time, a 20-minute walk or a few jumping jacks will lift your spirits.

23. Keep Learning

Make time to research topics that interest you and enjoy yourself by having a sense of purpose. Since your interest could take you anywhere, you never know!

24. Practice Compassion

Even challenging situations become rewarding and ultimately more enjoyable when we are able to feel compassion for both ourselves and others.

25. Give Back

Our lives can become more meaningful and purposeful when we devote time to endeavors that benefit others, such as volunteering. Even though some of the activities might not be all that fun or interesting, just doing good for others is rewarding in and of itself.

Read More: How To Build Wealth In Your 30s?

Final Words: How to Enjoy Life

By now, you should have picked up our overarching message for how to enjoy life: you have to work for it.

Happiness isn’t a “thing” you can have as much as it’s a garden you must cultivate. It calls for ongoing time commitment, focus, and prioritization of your priorities.


How to Enjoy Life With Depression?

Learn what you can do to overcome depression and anxiety naturally, without medication.

How to Enjoy Life as a Single Person?

  1. Remain off social media for a while.
  2. Take a phone break.
  3. Give yourself some space to think.

How to Be Happy as a Student?

  1. Plan your time off and stay organized.
  2. Spend time in nature.
  3. Schedule a workout.
  4. Be sure to get enough sleep.
  5. Continually engage in mindfulness.